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Occurrences of thar in Corpus sorted by last letter of previous word

- basic concord - post-sorted concord - map and chronology - chronogrid - similar spellings - fine-grain concord -
Ulster - SYN Thar’s mair fects in tha buik th
Southern - SEA thar, whar ma muther an hir brothe
Southern - SEA Thar’s aboot 190 pages i Kathlee
Southern - SEA thar’s ae man-made loch an A hae
Southern - SEA thar wur anerlie the ae hoose it E
Southern - SEA Thar wur saiveral sons an yince, w
Southern - SEA thar wi thair ain horses. The crac
Southern - SEA Thar’s ae bit o Covenanter histo
Southern - SEA thar wur ae pot o gowd buiriet ane
Southern - SEA Thar wur aye, ae servan lass i the
Southern - SEA Thar’s ae aspeck o the ethos o R
Southern - SEA Thar ye hae eet, ae wheen o ma tho
Southern - SEA Thar’s anither source o informat
Southern - SEA Thar wur twae ferm cottages anenst
Southern - SEA Thar wis ae Joiners business it th
Southern - SEA Thar wur twae semi-detached cottag
Southern - SEA ntorie o Roxburghshire (1956) thar ir threi o the five
Southern - SEA Is fer is A can reca, thar wur juist the twae ferms on t
Southern - SEA ma pley fur forgieness, Hei, thar
Southern - SEA the Mulsintoun inner hill, thar’s ae sheep stell ca’d,
Southern - SEA checkit at trap, thar in eet wis Geordie’s deed m
Southern - SEA , i the Philhope Burn yonner, thar wur the
Southern - SEA portunities atween the sexes, thar wur up Borth’ick, whan A wu
Southern - SEA ce Yid gits his pipe kinnilt, thar’s nocht at hei likes better
Southern - SEA sweet. Whan A wur ae callant, thar wur saivrel servans i the Big
Southern - SEA whauch whan A wur ae callant, thar wur
Southern - SEA ’ick Waitter an it at pynt, thar
Southern - SEA , wi fresh milk dailiday. Ay, thar wis nae “Scots
Central - LAL n be seen a mile an mindit... Thar's the thing, it wad be mindit
Central - GLA speik athort the hale kintra. Thar isnae muckle tyme tae dae thi
Southern - SEA bade i the ludge. Thar wur anither estate worker, A
Ulster - SYN an hae tae pye oot a skaith. Thar’s nae skaith fur naw fillin
Southern - SEA Schuil. Thar wis anlie ane either siclyke
Southern - SEA wur Jim Scott o Burnfit Ferm. Thar wur
Ulster - PUL ns and a wee bit o a gairden. Thar wus twathie rigs o prittas, s
Southern - SEA e o the fek o the population. Thar wuid hev been nae linguistic
Central - GLA rs gies e'en a thocht tae it. Thar is a wheen bodies ben the wab
Southern - SEA canglin cuid hev been evitit. Thar wuid hev been saipret domesti
Southern - SEA n the waitter frae Howpasley. Thar wis threi herd’s hooses on
Southern - SEA : ae fell skelp o grund n’. Thar wur saivrel ootbye herd’s h
Southern - SEA Ay, thaim wur the days n’. Thar
Ulster - GUL 5.12 Thar wull be a haudin scance o tha
Southern - SEA ebbies i the airlie 1950’s; thar wis ae tyme whan his marrow,
Southern - SEA brig wisna thar whan A wis ae callant, at par
Southern - SEA Accordin tae whit A read thar wur aboot 25 houses i Deanbur
Southern - SEA Bryant an May’ at yow need thar.”
Ulster - EUL Frilly Drawers. It was agreed thar Maisie's ma shud be dispatche
Southern - SEA the rest o his life, an deyd thar, juist ae wheen yeir sin.
Southern - SEA orman an ae wheen menyie bade thar fur ae wheen days, it antrin
Southern - SEA s husband dyed. Appearinlie thar wur ae lull i the mid o the
Central - GLA gie me ten pence fur a square thar day, even though it helped so
Ulster - PUL ht the'd gang aff hame, afore thar day got waur.
Southern - SEA herd’s hoose thar wis biggit i the mid 1840’s
Central - LALnd continuous, gin it wis aye thar.
Central - WCE study that reproduction stuff thar Geggy
Central - LAL nane but a buckie. The thing thar maitters maist canna be seen.
Southern - SEA firstaund an speak ti thaim i thar tung. Dae at
Southern - SEA lin Club dances shei gaed til thar, whan
Southern - SEA ou Watt an his wife eikit til thar
Southern - SEA uch tae bei ca’d square, an thar’s airon yetts i the mids o
Southern - SEA eat and clathes tae weir, an thar wur economic rewairds tae bui
Southern - SEA mei wi his Halie Speerit, an thar an than hei gaed mei hert ken
Southern - SEA the fit o the Manse glebe; an thar’s yon dwallin it the tap en
Southern - SEA cat an cley” preenciple; an thar
Southern - SEA Drovin Halt fur Drovers an thar stock, an is nou; pairt o A.J
Southern - SEA ferm. Nou, atween thar an whit wis the Craik ferm ma
Ulster - GUL bak sait nor tae mak cartain thar wusnae onie motòrs ahint tha
Southern - SEA Blawearie’. Nou than, gin thar bei onnie bit weill
Ulster - SYN a leid helpline. Fur yin, gin thar’s mair nor sïx fowk in yer
Ulster - GUL cies, the’ll no throch; gin thar’s tongues, the’ll be tint
Ulster - GUL ongues, the’ll be tint; gin thar’s wittin, it’ll rin awa l
Ulster - GUL Luive tholes aye: bot gin thar’s proaphecies, the’ll no
Southern - SEA ae lot o ma forebears lyin in thar, an thay ir lyin in ae maist
Southern - SEA A mynd on his faimlie flittin thar frae Henwuddie
Southern - SEA tae Hawick Hie Schuil, leavin thar on ma fowrteent birthday, wha
Doric - ABN the smaill byrdis syttand on thar nestis, the litill mygets, an
Central - GLA kis wur meidie haes gang roon thar mous wie Inglish dishclouts a
Southern - SEA 1983. Ae myle or thar aboot ferther doon the waitte
Southern - SEA t ae lass frae Lanarkshire or thar aboots, an Yid Nichol o The H
Southern - SEA wur thar fur ae gey wheen yeir. Mr Roe
Southern - SEA euk owre the tenancie, an wur thar, mebbies fur ten yeir or sae.
Southern - SEA an faimlie thit wur thar i ma airlie days. Than it wur
Southern - SEA intil at herdin, an thay wur thar fur ae gey
Ulster - WUL "It's thar' you micht fin' it this Burnq
Central - LAL nge o life. It's as simple as thar.'
Southern - SEA t: Mr.Blaickie dug the graffs thar ana. (sei A, page 150.). Hist
Southern - SEA fore, kis thar wudnae hae been onie need fur
Southern - SEA side o the burn frae the hous thar wis ae
Ulster - GUL ld at wusnae at her aise. Wus thar a hint o a smirk juist stairt
Southern - SEA s ain. Tradeetion hes eet, at thar wur yince
Southern - SEA hum. A’ve herd eet sayed at thar wurnae ae dale o gratiteed
Southern - SEA , A think at A shuid mint at thar wur ae Keb Hoose; aboot
Southern - SEA e 150.). Historie tells uz at thar wis ae kirk fornenst the Grav
Central - GLA permeet we fowk tae furthset thar wark intil Scots fowk sic as,
Central - NEC dden club and stertit a fecht thar rummled on aw that nicht and
Southern - SEA ve juist been thinking thit thar wur mebbies nae Peth Heid hoo
Southern - SEA ’s. George Scott mints thit thar wur i the Hauch, it at tyme,
Southern - SEA n hed been ae Medical Student thar, hed haen ae bit
Central - GLA fowk divna ken naethin anent thar ain leid an its gey sad that
Southern - SEA nie fock ‘ull ken this, bot thar’s ane auncient auld cairt r
Southern - SEA r the antrin meetin. Nae doot thar ir thaim whae rue this
Central - WCE pers. Thir tryin tae make oot thar it wis the first time she'd t
Central - GLA Etc. Thon sites are brah but thar's nae ower monie aiblins wu s
Southern - SEA aboot ee, an it’s aw thar fur yowe tae mell, i speertit
Central - SEC assent of the thre comunatez thar beande that ilke schiref of t
Southern - SEA dent sayed til ma faither, “Thar’s ae lot o ma forebears lyi
Southern - SEA d, “Borth’ick Waitter.” Thar’s ae fouth o ither literatu